Galaxy in Flames Un forum pour les passionnés de Warhammer 40.000 dans son ensemble |
| Rumeurs: Les Chevaliers Gris! | |
+15Tenkaranpu Axel44500 Sergueï BlackMane Crom Ikarus Horus Lupercal Soeur Talesias Valeriaan Jarlaxle Tal'Kien Arax, Inquisiteur Harkan Raven Arghit 19 participants | |
Auteur | Message |
Messages : 249 Date d'inscription : 27/11/2010 Age : 32 Localisation : Yenne (Savoie)
| Sujet: Re: Rumeurs: Les Chevaliers Gris! Jeu 30 Déc 2010 - 10:08 | |
| il ne font pas 2 codex à la suite et oui games sort toujours un truc par moi mais rarement des choses aussi importantes d'affiler. Codex suivi d'un LA le mois d'après c'est cool. | |
| | | Arghit Roi de Bretagne
Messages : 9098 Date d'inscription : 27/08/2009 Age : 32 Localisation : Le Sud...
| Sujet: Re: Rumeurs: Les Chevaliers Gris! Jeu 30 Déc 2010 - 10:14 | |
| Ben... le dernier bouquin sorti c'est le dex eldar noir non? Et il sera suivit du dex Chevalier gris... Donc deux dex à la suite. | |
| | | Horus Lupercal Le Maitre de Guerre.
Messages : 5130 Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009 Age : 32 Localisation : Vengeful Spirit
| Sujet: Re: Rumeurs: Les Chevaliers Gris! Jeu 30 Déc 2010 - 11:06 | |
| Games se concentre sur le jeu qui réalise le plus de vente. Soit war40k. | |
| | | Dodo
Messages : 249 Date d'inscription : 27/11/2010 Age : 32 Localisation : Yenne (Savoie)
| Sujet: Re: Rumeurs: Les Chevaliers Gris! Jeu 30 Déc 2010 - 11:30 | |
| oui il n'y a pas eu d'autres LA entre, je viens de comprendre ^^ | |
| | | Valeriaan
Messages : 516 Date d'inscription : 07/08/2010 Localisation : purifiant cette galaxie d'un monde hérétique.
| Sujet: Re: Rumeurs: Les Chevaliers Gris! Jeu 30 Déc 2010 - 17:35 | |
| Bon ben moi je croise des doigts ! | |
| | | Crom Mon barbare favoris !
Messages : 3560 Date d'inscription : 16/06/2009 Age : 32
| Sujet: Re: Rumeurs: Les Chevaliers Gris! Jeu 30 Déc 2010 - 17:55 | |
| | | Valeriaan
Messages : 516 Date d'inscription : 07/08/2010 Localisation : purifiant cette galaxie d'un monde hérétique.
| Sujet: Re: Rumeurs: Les Chevaliers Gris! Jeu 30 Déc 2010 - 18:09 | |
| Ta photo va si bien avec ton humeur ! | |
| | | Crom Mon barbare favoris !
Messages : 3560 Date d'inscription : 16/06/2009 Age : 32
| Sujet: Re: Rumeurs: Les Chevaliers Gris! Jeu 30 Déc 2010 - 18:25 | |
| | | Tenkaranpu La chienlit c'est lui!
Messages : 2333 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2010 Localisation : Quelque part, en train de se lamenter que le Fandex Jipang n'a eut aucun succès...
| Sujet: Re: Rumeurs: Les Chevaliers Gris! Sam 1 Jan 2011 - 13:32 | |
| - Citation :
- L'auteur tient à ne pas remercier les personnes suivantes, sans qui l'ouvrage présent aurait tout à fait été possible :
Andrew John Chambers, Gavin « Fluff Killer » Thorpe, Paul « Fat Bloke » Sawyer, Andy Hoare, Pete Haines et autres Space MacGroove, pour la schématisation et ultra-simplification du fluff. Patrick Moronval et Archi Magister Faëgul, pour leur vision shagadélique du warp en particulier et du fluff en général. L'équipe de Taran, qui est un paquet de fainéants, et je suis bien placé pour le savoir. Ravage, qui raconte d'infâmes mensonges en se prétendant V1. Ne s'agirait-il pas du Ravage mentionné ici par Taran ? Si oui, je resterai sceptique à propos de leurs confirmations... | |
| | | Dodo
Messages : 249 Date d'inscription : 27/11/2010 Age : 32 Localisation : Yenne (Savoie)
| Sujet: Re: Rumeurs: Les Chevaliers Gris! Sam 1 Jan 2011 - 13:57 | |
| tiens, au fait il parle de quoi en disans V1 | |
| | | Tenkaranpu La chienlit c'est lui!
Messages : 2333 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2010 Localisation : Quelque part, en train de se lamenter que le Fandex Jipang n'a eut aucun succès...
| Sujet: Re: Rumeurs: Les Chevaliers Gris! Sam 1 Jan 2011 - 22:37 | |
| T'es sérieux là ? Non, attends, ne répond pas à cette question... Warhammer Battle et 40k ont tous deux connus plusieurs versions. L'édition originale est appelée V1 (Version Une), elle regroupe le Fluff antique, vénérable, celui des origines, ainsi que les premières règles conçues pour jouer au jeu en question. En général, il souffre de pas mal d'incohérences et de trucs considérés comme désuets (genre, en V1 de Battle, il y avait des figurines de nains samouraïs et ninjas, alors que ça paraît inconcevable dans la vision actuelle des nains, de même, en V2, il était mentionné un inquisiteur du nom d'Obiwan Sherlock Clousseau étant un inquisiteur typique ! ). Les éditions V1 et V2 sont toutefois considérés par les vétérans du jeu avec nostalgie, un peu comme un premier amour, quoi. Lorsque la V3 fût introduite sur le marché, il y eut un schisme majeur, car le Staff et l'entreprise s'agrandissait, il y avait beaucoup de changements technologiques (meilleures figurines, améliorations des techniques d'impression et des illustrations...), etc. Du coup, ceux qui pensaient les changements trop radicaux sont devenus ce que l'on pourrait appeler des conservateurs, comme en politique. Actuellement, le Fluff officiel a pas mal évolué, nous sommes en V5. Des races ont disparues (Squatt), d'autres sont apparues (Tau), certaines ont complètement changées (Nécrons et C'tan) et le temps aidant, il y a pas mal de râleurs en puissance qui sont apparus (sur Taran, il y a un slogan qui dit : "la V2 n'est pas morte !" et une fois, un vétéran m'a dit à propos de la V2 "à l'époque de la V2, tout était mieux, sauf les figs !"). Le plus célèbre semble être Slereah/ Grey Wolf, l'un des membres importants du Staff de Taran, qui est surtout connu pour deux choses : sa connaissance immense du Fluff et son asociabilité (il a été banni par pas mal de forums), à tel point qu'à l'époque où je fréquentais encore quelques forums où il était Résu, entre autres) il ne prenait même pas la peine de se présenter. Du coup, en dehors de ça, je sais pas grand chose sur lui, si ce n'est qu'il est très intelligent, sûr de lui et qu'il est linguiste ou au moins bilingue. Et qu'il lâche difficilement l'affaire une fois engagé dans un débat (il me rappelle Arax, la double personnalité en moins... -_-'). Pour la petite histoire, en V1, les Chevaliers-Gris étaient de purs bourrins. Déjà, il n'y avait que des figurines en armures totors et le Fluff était très flou et imprécis à leur sujet (par exemple, il est admis qu'il existe une coterie de Grands-Maîtres dont au moins un est membre du conclave intérieur de l'Ordo Maleus, tandis que le fluff officiel plus récent prétendrait que le chapitre possède un seul GM et une organisation plus codex). Toujours est-il que tu devais livrer tes batailles avec ton héros et sa suite de totors, et c'était à peu près tout. Donc oui, déjà à l'époque ils étaient les rois du bourrinisme, mais pas autant que les Princes Démons. Avec le nouveau dex, il semble que cet aspect des CG va refaire surface de façon plus prononcé que l'actuel dex, où les CG sont plus faibles qu'ils ne devraient l'être, la plupart du temps (mis à part le GM et Stern, aucun ne rivalise avec un bon archiviste, et encore...). Toutefois, je ne pense pas que Gros Wotour va nous faire le coup d'une unité en guise d'armée entière, car ça diminuerait le volume des ventes (à tout les niveaux, figs, peintures, pièces détachées...) et créerait quand même pas mal de mécontentement, au niveau du coût en points de chaque figurines. | |
| | | Valeriaan
Messages : 516 Date d'inscription : 07/08/2010 Localisation : purifiant cette galaxie d'un monde hérétique.
| Sujet: Re: Rumeurs: Les Chevaliers Gris! Dim 2 Jan 2011 - 17:51 | |
| Oui je pense que il le savait mais j'avoue que dans ce contexte on peut s'attendre a autre chose. | |
| | | Horus Lupercal Le Maitre de Guerre.
Messages : 5130 Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009 Age : 32 Localisation : Vengeful Spirit
| Sujet: Re: Rumeurs: Les Chevaliers Gris! Dim 16 Jan 2011 - 11:16 | |
| | |
| | | Jarlaxle Bregan d'Aerthe.
Messages : 9304 Date d'inscription : 25/11/2009 Age : 30
| Sujet: Re: Rumeurs: Les Chevaliers Gris! Dim 16 Jan 2011 - 11:18 | |
| | |
| | | Valeriaan
Messages : 516 Date d'inscription : 07/08/2010 Localisation : purifiant cette galaxie d'un monde hérétique.
| Sujet: Re: Rumeurs: Les Chevaliers Gris! Dim 16 Jan 2011 - 11:28 | |
| Bof ça peux aller je trouve. | |
| | | Invité Invité
| Sujet: Re: Rumeurs: Les Chevaliers Gris! Dim 16 Jan 2011 - 12:56 | |
| On dirait qu'ils ont recyclés des morceaux de véhicules d'un peu partout et les ont assemblés à l'arrache >< |
| | | Jarlaxle Bregan d'Aerthe.
Messages : 9304 Date d'inscription : 25/11/2009 Age : 30
| Sujet: Re: Rumeurs: Les Chevaliers Gris! Dim 16 Jan 2011 - 12:59 | |
| En fait le stormraven est une invention ork | |
| | | Horus Lupercal Le Maitre de Guerre.
Messages : 5130 Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009 Age : 32 Localisation : Vengeful Spirit
| Sujet: Re: Rumeurs: Les Chevaliers Gris! Dim 23 Jan 2011 - 12:00 | |
| | |
| | | Arghit Roi de Bretagne
Messages : 9098 Date d'inscription : 27/08/2009 Age : 32 Localisation : Le Sud...
| Sujet: Re: Rumeurs: Les Chevaliers Gris! Dim 23 Jan 2011 - 12:14 | |
| je le trouve encore plus moche en gris. -_- | |
| | | Horus Lupercal Le Maitre de Guerre.
Messages : 5130 Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009 Age : 32 Localisation : Vengeful Spirit
| Sujet: Re: Rumeurs: Les Chevaliers Gris! Dim 23 Jan 2011 - 12:23 | |
| Je le trouve un poil mieux. Mais toujours trop ramassé. Je pense qu'il devrait etre un poil plus long. | |
| | | Valeriaan
Messages : 516 Date d'inscription : 07/08/2010 Localisation : purifiant cette galaxie d'un monde hérétique.
| Sujet: Re: Rumeurs: Les Chevaliers Gris! Dim 23 Jan 2011 - 12:45 | |
| On dirais un tunderhawk nain; mais je le trouve pas si mal moi . et en effet trop ramasser . | |
| | | Arax, Inquisiteur Grand Inquisiteur.
Messages : 9994 Date d'inscription : 29/07/2009 Age : 32 Localisation : En voyage dans les désolation nordiques
| Sujet: Re: Rumeurs: Les Chevaliers Gris! Dim 23 Jan 2011 - 13:15 | |
| Il est plus long qu'une valkyrie | |
| | | Arghit Roi de Bretagne
Messages : 9098 Date d'inscription : 27/08/2009 Age : 32 Localisation : Le Sud...
| Sujet: Re: Rumeurs: Les Chevaliers Gris! Ven 18 Fév 2011 - 18:10 | |
| - Citation :
- Special Characters:
Lord "Draigo" LR cost. Draigo is a GK Grandmaster and is very nasty. (Eternal, t5, 5 attacks, psyker mastery 2, strength 10 sword vs daemons/psykers
Squad granted initiative 10 -Jaws like power which removes models from play without any save. template vs line, but no MC modifier for initiative -selected unit is grabbed and brought near libby with deep strike rules -Power which makes units within certain range take difficult/dangerous terrain test.
Grand Master "Mordrack" Storm Raven Cost Brother Captain Stern Castellan Crowe
3 named inquisitors Valeria,coteaz and karamazov. Coteaz is a daemon hunter inq, kara is the witch hunter and val is the xenos inq. They are armed acordingly. Deamon hosts are in as henchmen as are death cult assassins and psykers. An inquisitor (not sure if its named or not) takes 3-12 henchmen
(Inquisitor special character) Inquisitor Stats with some special abilities.
Dijin Blade (literally,just called something else) Some forcefield and a cool. Lucas the trickster style ability based on a remaining wounds test... or die.
The Ghost terminators are nice as well. With stealth.... they are bought as an upgrade retinue to another special character and are 32pts a piece. And when the character takes a wound... (i think he has 3 or 4) then another terminator arrives out of nowhere to protect him... hehe.
There is a nasty special character with a storm shield but SS seems to be lacking on a whole.
Brother Captain Stern Level 2: HH Communion Zone of Banishment: During his assault phase. All models friend and foe, within D6" (not stern), must take a strength test or be dragged into the warp... deamons re roll successful tests. These casualties do not count towards combat.
Castellan Crowe Level 1: HH Heroic Sacrifice Cleansing Flame
Inquisitor Corteaz (100pts) Mastery 2: HH Sanctuary Mind Blades
Pretty much all of the named characters come with special anti-daemon abilities. One of the SCs has wargear that causes any daemons who deep strike within 12" to suffer a mishap, for example.
HQ/ Grand Master Grand Master rumoured to pick D3 units during deployment and giving them a special rule: Makes them scoring (kinda neat for dread and or elite paladins) Makes them re roll 1s to wound all game Makes them have counter attack USR. Makes them Scout All these units are affected by the one choice.
(level1) Hammerhand Psychic communion - take test, if successfull GK player can modify reserve rolls by +1 or -1 and you can choose to modify after each roll.
Brother Captain (level1) Hammerhand Psychic communion - take test, if successfull GK player can modify reserve rolls by +1 or -1 and you can choose to modify after each roll.
Brotherhood Champion (level 1) Hammerhand Heroic Sacrifice- during either players assault phase, when the "chaplain" is taken off as a casualty. Is passed, make one attack against any one model that he was in B2B with. If the attack hits, the model is also removed as a casualty with no saves... if the attack misses then no effect. Remember he is WS 7...
Librarian Librarian (mastery level 2) 150pts Can upgrade to level 3 for +50: Each purchased power is +5 pts, but he comes with hammerhand for free.
Grandmaster: 6 6 4 4 3 5 3 10 2+
Brother Captain is the same minus a BS point.
Libbies, see GM stat line -1 WS -2 BS -1W -1I -1A
What, no one cares about the Brotherhood Champion? For shame!
BC and GM can take Psycannon, Incinerator, Psilencer, Servo Skulls (Up to 3), Blind Grenades, meltabombs, digi weapons, psybolt ammo, empyraen brain mines, psychostroke or rad grenades, and an Orbital Strike Relay. Oh and MC weapons. And all three are alll in Termi armour.
Inquisitor Corteaz Inquisitor Karamazov Inquisitor Valeria Ordo Malleus Inquisitor Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor Ordo Xenos Inquisitor The inquisitors are one statline. The different options are just wargear and upgrades that fit their role. Inquisitors are about the cost of a current GK. 2. 443334310 4+ Stubborn, IC. (25pts) (Vanilla) Inquisitors are not psykers.
Inquisitor Coteaz allows you to have Henchman warbands as troops. There are NO Inquisitorial Stormtroops, but you can take Warrior Acolytes who you can arm with Hot-Shot Lasguns if it makes you feel any better. It's a meh option at best. Crusaders Squad spam is going to be extremely prevalent I fear. You can take them as troops for plasma pistol cost per Crusader. Storm Shields and Power weapons. Each. It's going to be a mess.
-Valeria has a LOOOOOT of equipment. Here it is: -She's an Ordo Xenos Inquisitor -Also, Stubborn -Stats: 4 4 3 3 3 4 3(5) 10 3+ -Power Armour; Frag, Krak, & Psyk-Out Nades; Laspistol -Graviton Pistol: Range: 12" Strength: 10 AP: 1 Type: Pistol, One Shot -Jacked it from an Alien Weaponsmith in the Ultima Segmentum apparently. -Runes of Destiny: ALL (Armour or invul) Successful saves against her shooting or CC attacks must be rerolled. -Eldar Runes she's taken over her career, but she ain't got no wraithbone batteries to make em work at full power -Dagger of Midnight: Grants +2A (Included in profile) that MUST be rolled with different colored dice (Or separate I suppose) because if she rolls doubles with them, the attacks hit her instead. -Stole this from an Eldar Pirate's corpse. Apparently the dagger is "controlled by a rebellious and bloodthirsty intelligence". Please perform an "Oogedy boogedy boo" after reading that. -Hyperstone Maze: Can be used once per game in lieu of her CC attacks. Must be directed towards a character or MC in B2B contact. Target must roll a d6 and roll equal to or below their remaining wounds or be "trapped in the maze forever" AKA removed from play. -Multi-faceted emerald that leads to a spooky sub-dimension, apparently -Forceshield: 4+ Invul save -Hand-mounted forcefield thingy.
Elites/ Techmarine mastery 1 HH Reconstruction- Start of TM movement, may re roll any repair roll.
Purifier Squad Purifiers = Grey Knights that have a lot of anti horde options, they are the ones with the power that will do a wound on every engaged enemy model in cc on 4+.
HH Cleansing Flame- Start of the assault in any player turn. All enemy -models- that are a part of the same assault suffer a wound on a 4+ before any blows are struck. Casualties count towards combat resolution.
Venerable Dreadnought Fortitude- if passed (at start of GK turn) Nullifies any shaken stunned results.
-And yes, VenDreads are the only ones with Reinforced Aegis
Paladin Squad Paladins are Ws5 55pts apoth + 75. min squad size of 1. Yes, paladins are indeed 2 wounded terminator armour greyknights. With allocation (thanks to wargear) they will be a tough unit... and for +15 points over a regular terminator! yes please... and the grand master can make them scoring oh yes!. (they can have an apothecary in the squad) Brotherhood Banner (terminator and paladin squads) Paladin Options: Force Halberds Nemesis Deamon Hammers Pair of Nemesis Falcions Nemesis Warding Stave Psycannon Incinerators Psylencers Apothecary Banner of Brotherhood Entire unit can have psybolt ammunition Any model can make any weapon Master Crafted at +5 pts per weapon.
HH Holocaust- 12" Str5 Ap- Large Blast
Callidus- 145 Eversor- 130 Culexus-135 Vindicare- 145 8 8 4 4 2 7 4 10 4+ Assassin stat line. The assassins have one singular "fluff" entry, that states their generic rules... 6+ FNP, Dodge Save etc... and then one page with the rules for each one (i think) stating wargear and rules. I do not believe they take up a slot.
Vindicare was very memorable....pick out opponents models for would allocation, can take out Inv save....for the entire game. Always wounds on 2+
Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband The unit is 3-12 and does not take up an elite. ArcoFlagelant - FNP, CCwpn Banisher- Can take eviscerator, units of deamons within 6" of him re roll succesful inv saves (ala nullzone) Crusader- PW, SShield Deamonhost- Lots of crazy stuff. No time to elaborate now. DeathcultAssassin- 5+ invul, 2 PW. Servitor- cheap, come with HB or MMelta for free. Can upgrade to PC (up to 3) will mindlock if no inquisitor is present. WeaponSmith- Mini obliterator ( can pick, lascannon, mmelta, hflamer) Also adds bonus to the unit roll d6 add +1 for each after first. 1- no effect 2- +12" to the range of all guns 3- armoursaves improved by one 4- all shooting weapons are rending. 5- all models gain 5+ invul 6- "the works" roll twice on the table, apply both results. No result can be taken twice. Mystic- basically a living teleport homer. Psyker- power is the blast weapon power form the IG PBS. WarriorAcolyte- guardsman grunt
Troops Grey Knight Terminator Squad 44441429 terminator armour. 200pts for 5... Terminators equipped with frag and krack grenades. Brotherhood Banner (terminator and paladin squads) Hammerhand
Special Upgrade Character - Justicar Thawn The terminator upgrade character special rule "i shall not yield" basically a 4+ WWB for the character.
Grey Knights Strike Squad (the regular GK's) 44441418 3+ at 1/5 of 100pts each. Hammerhand Warp Quake- Start of GK movement phase, lasts till GK start of next movement. All enemy teleport homers stop working, any enemy unit that deep strikes within 12" of the strike squad will suffer a mishap.
-For every five: -Psilencer (Free!) -Psycannon -Incinerator
-All the Nemesis weapons (Any model!) -Various point costs
-Psybolt Ammo -Personal Teleporters -Justicar can MC any of his weapons
how useful do you see PAGK being?
IMO very useful. Their power against deep strikers it better than the old mystics... two squads spread out give you a good 48" bubble of anti deep striking shenannigans... means your land raiders will be safe from DS'ing meltaguns... etc. The storm bolters make them good torrent of fire units and supported by dreadnoughts, and librarians with awesome powers.. they will the the grunts of the force and they are cheaper than they used to be... and can be upgraded to fulfill different roles... with a full 10 man squad comming in at 200pts I think they are an absolute bargain.
Bestial - Do you know by chance how much personal teleporters will be for GK strike squads? 6 pts per model.
Transports: Rhino Fortitude- if passed (at start of GK turn) Nullifies any shaken stunned results. Razorback Fortitude- if passed (at start of GK turn) Nullifies any shaken stunned results. Chimera
Fast/ StormRaven Storm Raven is 5pts more than BA counterpart. But has psy power that allows it to ignore shaken and stunned. 1 fast attack option. the storm raven. cost 205 points ???? not sure why. Fortitude- if passed (at start of GK turn) Nullifies any shaken stunned results.
Possible other unit Don't think they are the same as the current version [teleporting FA unit], they don't deepstrike on turn 1, though they can, it's similair to the upgrade ability Marshal showed, with a few extras (On top of being able to deepstrike on turn 1 that is). (what those extras are, my contact didn't know.)
Heavy Support/ Purgation Squad purgation... same as before... 4 weapons, 20pt psycannon, free incinerators, and psilencers (whatever those are) Cost of GK unit as they are GK's, just with weapons. HH Astral Aim- Shooting Phase, unit and attached characters may fire at any unit in range regardless of LOS. Target automatically gains 4+ cover that can't be modified.
Dreadnought Fortitude- if passed (at start of GK turn) Nullifies any shaken stunned results. Dred info: 115 points comes with MM and nemisis doomfist+ SB smk launchers
psychic pilot the aegis reinforced aegis PE- daeoms
Psy power: fortitude (belive it ignors shaken and stunned)
replace MM for twin linked, HF,HB,AC or plasma cannon/assult cannon or TL LC replace Doomfist with: TL AC or ML
Extras: serch light psybolt ammo psyflame ammo warp stablisation field true silver armour extra armour Meltagun (p99 40k 5th) Multi-Melta (p99 40k 5th) Melta Bombs (p63 40k 4th)
Nemesis Dreadknight (MC) Dreadknight cost of vendetta: t7 w4 2+sv/ 4+inv with lots of weapon upgrades including the heavy psycannon and super incinerator.
HH Holocaust
MC, Dreadknight armour as armour (deepstrike 2+sv/4++) So im assuming he is a buffed up terminator Mephyston style. Can be given a personal teleporter (making him jump infantry and move up to 30" once per game for about the cost of a Dark Angel Land Speeder Typhoon).. S7 WS 5
3A and 2 CC.
No one knows where they come from, be it Xenos or Dark Age of Technology stuff. The GKs basically refuse to say and tell everyone to F off who asks where they came from. They're basically used as Jes said on Warseer, to go toe to toe with big nasties like Daemon Princes and such. And apparently this thing is super hard to master so that's why we don't see more.
Land Raider (and variants, including redeemer) Fortitude- if passed (at start of GK turn) Nullifies any shaken stunned results.
Special Rules ATSKNF Combat Squads Aegis (units targeted by powers, enemy psyker at -1ld for test) Units within 12" of a GK dreadnought targetted by powers psyker is at -4 "reinforced aegis"
also a lot of units can be upgraded with psybolt ammunition. Whatever that is... 20pts for the entire unit of GK's No shrouding. As far as I know... but now GK's can have rhinos and razorbacks.
Nemesis force weapons ( I have no idea)... units are armed with nemesis swords. And units can upgrade any models to have force halberds at xpoints. the Halberd I believe adds 1 Initiative.
No drop pod. But GK strike squads are supposed to be able to take personal teleporters. This makes them jump infantry. And once per game it is rumored to allow them to make a 30" move, just move... not a on table deep strike. they Can shoot when they do this, but not charge.
But all GK vehicles are phykers... their go to power is to "cure" shaken or stunned at the start of a GK turn. No gizmos to re roll saves... although there are these "brotherhood banners" for units.. so who knows maybe a re roll all ones a la spacewolf?
- Psyker Pilots - Brotherhood of psykers - Psyker Mastery Levels - Preferred Enemy Deamons3. So far i don't know... other than the inquisitorial henchmen mobs, and the dreadnoughts/landraiders/stormravens. Squad based AT seems limited.
nemesis weapons, as far as i know are force weapons. However, because of how brotherhood of psykers works (a unit casts a psychic power as a singular entity) i believe this means that only one weapon can become a force weapon per turn (if you so choose to use it over hammerhands), and the rest are power weapons. Still, nothing to sneeze at.
-nemesis halberd: +1 initiative -nemesis daemonhammer: +1 strength -nemesis falchions: Force lightning claws ]-nemesis warding stave: Power weapon that conveys a 2++ invulnerable save. (i know. Madness.) they\'re 25-20 points per depending on the squad. -daemonhammer - this entry confuses me. There\'s both a nemesis daemonhammer and a regular daemonhammer, but as far as i know, this one is a thunderhammer with daemonbane.
Falchions are taken in PAIRS as in the entry is "A pair of Nemesis Falchions" so yeah. I think Stormbolters act as pistols for the GKs as per the previous codex. Nemesis Force Sword is just a power weapon as far as I know. That was what it looked like when I last paged through the armoury section. Plus, why would Halberds and Nemesis Daemonhammers cost +5 points then? They'd be free as a tradeoff.
Psychic Powers
Smite- See C:SM
Quicksilver- Begining of own movement. Unit within 6" gains I 10 till end of turn.
Warp-Rift- Flamer Template JOTWW
Might of Titan- Beggining of librarians assault phase. Unit within 6" gains +1 str and extra D6 armour pen vs vehicles. Bonus is cumulative with hammerhand (yes, that means that S6 2D6 armour pen GK's is a go!..)
The Shrouding- Opponents shooting phase. All units within 6" benefit from stealth. And have 6+ cover even if in the open (so 5+ in the open and 3+ in most other cases)
Mind Blades- Start of any assault phase. Pick enemy unit within 6", they loose 1 toughness for the remainder of the assault.
Vortex of Doom- see C:SM
Sanctuary- Any enemy assault phase. Enemy units assaulting any GK unit within 12" of the librarian treat all terrain (including open ground) and difficult and dangerous terrain.
The Summoning- Librarian movement. Pick a friendly non vehicle unit. Place them within 6" of the librarian using the DS rules. any friendly unit on the battlefield not locked in combat.
each level [of psychic mastery] is number of powers you can use per turn.
The GK psyker rule states that the justicar is the one to take the hit. If not then one randomly determined member does. anything that targets psykers specifically.
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| | | Invité Invité
| Sujet: Re: Rumeurs: Les Chevaliers Gris! Ven 18 Fév 2011 - 18:57 | |
| Les greyx knights deviennent crades ou c'est moi? |
| | | Horus Lupercal Le Maitre de Guerre.
Messages : 5130 Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009 Age : 32 Localisation : Vengeful Spirit
| Sujet: Re: Rumeurs: Les Chevaliers Gris! Ven 18 Fév 2011 - 19:21 | |
| - Citation :
- Gameworkshop a répondu aux rumeurs "abusées" des grey knight et a publier des rêgles qui baissent tout de suite la puissance des grey knight.
Nemesis Ward Staff can be only bought for one Grey Knight per squad. So that means only one will be able to take one of those mean wounds.
GKT do not get Storms Shields (with very few exceptions). That means you are stuck with sucky +5 invul saves on termies. What you do get instead is all nemesis force weapons grant a +1 to all invul saves in assault. That means +4 saves in close combat.
A full man unit of Paladins average around 600-800 for 10 of them. So don’t expect to spam many of them.
Add to that the Paladin Captain that makes them troops is the most expensive model in the codex over the cost of a Land Raider.
Sadly the Dread Knight MC thingy cannot be put in a Stormraven.
Bon sa calme tout de suite quoi ^^
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